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inner accessories

inner accessories

This device is a real mixer. It can be used both during transport and spreading. The built-in hydraulic motor drives 60 mm vanes with a working diameter of 480 mm on a shaft supported by an ertalon bearing over its entire length.

This device, which can only be used on the discharge side and with a vacuum pump, injects air at the bottom of the tank via a pipe perforated along its entire length: each hole is protected from the intrusion of slurry by a rubber part (“bubble bath” effect). The air expelled in this way creates movement in the tank and prevents sedimentation.

The “special mountain” emptying system allows your tank to be emptied completely when working on a slope. To that end, an additional pipe is added to suck up the slurry from the opposite side of the discharge. It is therefore possible to empty your tank completely even when you are going downhill (with vacuum pumps) or uphill (with volumetric pumps - not available with STORM model).