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management and control

management and control

If your tractor does not have enough spool valves to control all the hydraulic functions of your vehicle, it is necessary to add an electrohydraulic solution to your machine. In this case, electrically controlled hydraulic valves are fitted on the side of the chassis and gather all or part of the hydraulic functions of your machine. This control system is protected by a metal casing against water, mud, etc. from the working conditions. This concept consists of an aluminium entry block with a capacity of 60 l/min or 120 l/min, onto which the different solenoid valves, each representing a function, are fitted. As standard, the hydraulic installation is equipped to work in a closed circuit called "Load Sensing", but an ergonomic bypass also allows work in an open circuit, i.e. with tractors without Load Sensing.

If your tractor does not have enough exportable oil for the operation of the various options or if you do not want to mix the oils of different tractors working with the same vehicle (e.g. in an agricultural co-operative), JOSKIN offers you an independent hydraulic installation driven by the tractor P.T.O-shaft. This equipment is standard on some ranges.

The multifunctional control box is the most ergonomic and efficient solution to easily operate the increasing number of hydraulic functions on modern agricultural machinery. With this installation, it is possible to feed from 2 to 14 hydraulic functions, by means of one single hydraulic distributor on the tractor via solenoid valves, which are controlled from a single control box in the tractor cab. This box is specific and custom-made: it has no "empty buttons" and only includes the configuration of your machine. Made of aluminium, it is robust. A special seal protects it against water and dust. In addition, it is fitted with a quick coupling for an easy disconnection and storage after use.

As standard, a hydraulic pressure switch regulates the moving floor speed. A graduated scale ensures a fine dosing for a quality spreading. The pressure switch is connected directly to the hydraulic supply line of the moving floor motor. It is usually fitted at the height of the spreader drawbar, close to the user, but outside the tractor cab.

JOSKIN offers several types of hour counters: cardan shaft rotation counter, vibration counter, etc. This allows you to easily monitor the use of your machine park (e.g. for rentals, in agricultural cooperatives, etc.).

The Ferti-Control 300 is a control box for the functions of the muck spreader in order to control the starting and stopping of the moving floor as well as its speed. It also allows to change the direction of rotation by reversing the hydraulic selector switch in the tractor cab.

The Ferti-Control 500 is a control box for the functions of the muck spreader in order to control the starting and stopping of the moving floor as well as its speed and rotation direction. All other hydraulic functions on the machine can also be controlled via this box (option).

The Ferti-Control 4000 is a high-tech display for the functions of the muck spreader. It allows the electronic control of the moving floor speed and direction of rotation. Thanks to its advanced level of technology, it is also possible to control all the functions of the machine: moving floor, flow meter, weighing system, guillotine door, limitation board, etc.

For precision spreading, JOSKIN offers an electronic spreading management system (proportional flow system) available on ISOBUS and Ferti-Control 4000.

During the use, the operator indicates the loaded volume (full load, half load, etc.), the desired output per hectare (in m³ or t/ha), the effective working width as well as the product density. If the system is combined with a weighing device, the operator must first validate the load on board, which is indicated by the device. With this data and the selected loaded volume (full load, half load, etc.), the density will be calculated.

The operator then chooses the position of his door according to the material to be spread. Once this information has been entered into the terminal, the moving floor drive is automatically adjusted according to the required flow rate and the driving speed of the spreader.

The regulation operates in closed circuit and the moving floor speed is continuously monitored. This system ensures that the required moving floor speed is maintained, even if the body is almost empty or, on the contrary, if it is well filled and the spreader drives on a slope.