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Professional Days 2014

NewsCustomer testimonialsA network of experts
Professional Days 2014

This year, the professional days took place during three days and not four like the previous editions. The event attracted once again many farmers, contractors, dealers and lovers of agricultural machinery. The number of visitors present at these open days has constantly increased throughout the years. This year, it shot up by more than 10%, with approximately 6500 persons: a proof that the professionals of the sector trust the JOSKIN range, the DistriTECH imports and the Regional service.

During these days, attention has been mostly directed at the new products and innovations: particularly the Delta2, Volumetra and Tetraliner tankers, but also the Wago bale trailers and low loaders, the Pendislide line spreading boom and the Renova pasture renovator.

It was the ideal occasion for those who wished to discover the production method of the JOSKIN material and admire the quality of the finished product. This event was very successful given the conviviality and the interest that were shown.