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VOLUMETRA: from now on also in Triple-Axle version!

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VOLUMETRA: from now on also in Triple-Axle version!

The Volumetra was introduced in 2013 at Agritechnica. Since then, it has become an even more popular vehicle. The German speaking market is moreover a major buyer; the most sold models there are the 16500D and 18000D.

"Volumetra": its name refers to the key element of the machine, the volumetric pump. Volumetric pumps are pumps in which the liquid (in this case slurry) is first pumped, then transported and finally discharged. These pumps work thus in a different way than the famous vacuum ones, which pressurize the slurry tank and do not come into contact with the liquid. The volumetric pump is the ideal solution for thick slurry, long suction hoses or even large working widths because they allow to reach higher pressures and flows.

From now on, the Volumetra slurry spreaders are available in double-axle version from 10,640l to 20,297l and in triple-axle version from 18,500l to 22,900l.

The new double-axle models of 10000D and 12500D are standard fitted with a Hydro-Tandem running gear and a free steering axle with hydraulic locking device. The self steering system is available in option.

The new triple-axle models of 18000T, 20000T and 22500T are standard fitted with the Hydro-Tridem running gear and the double hydraulic self steering system (first and last axles), which allow turning movements both when driving forward and backward at any speed.

All vehicles have a self-supporting structure: the tank is laid down in an integrated chassis (900mm) welded to the running gear.

The standard hydraulic hitching suspension is bolted at the front.

While at the back, all Volumetra are fitted with fixing points to hitch a cultivator, a meadow injector or a spreading boom. It is therefore possible to fit the tank with such a spreading tool at any moment.

The Hydro-Tandem/Tridem hydraulic running gear is fixed to the anchoring points of the integral chassis. It is furthermore possible to change its position according the tyres and weight.

As far as pumps are concerned, the Volumetra can be fitted with a volumetric pump of the spiral, lobe or centrifugal type.

Lobe pumps are of the Vogelsang or Börger brand and have a flow that varies between 6,000l/min and 9,000l/min.

When pumping, the pump is fed by a collector. It is a chamber (+/- 200l) integrated into the front tank wall in which all suction openings are gathered (left, right and front side) and that then sends the material directly towards the SimpleCut chopper. Tested by JOSKIN for years for the assembly of volumetric pumps, this system prevents the pump from dry run.

Spiral pumps are manufactured by the Wangen company and can deliver flows between 4,000l/min and 8,700l/min. A stone trap is standard mounted on these pumps in order to protect them.

In option, the SimpleCut chopper can be mounted with all kinds of pumps. It is particularly efficient when slurry contains a lot of straw and that it has to be spread in a very precise proportion by a modern spreading implement (line spreading boom, etc.).

Centrifugal pumps are partially made by Joskin and allow a flow rate of 10,000l/min.

All other pieces of equipment, e.g. the front or side filling arm, are of course still available on these five new Volumetra models.