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Customer testimonials

Slurry tankers

NewsCustomer testimonialsA network of experts

High-Tech Equipment (Ukraine)

Generally speaking, I can say that it is a very good product and that it is essential to work in farms producing slurry. It indeed allows to adjust the application rate. Today, the Joskin machines are the best and most cost-effective of the local market. A cattle breeder who wants to succeed in his sector won't find anything better.

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Sidorovsky brovar (Ukraine)

Several Polish and Ukrainian manufacturers of these technologies are active on the Ukrainian market. Four years ago, we went to Joskin company's stand at Kiev's agricultural fair and their quotation convinced us. We bought this tanker and we are very satisfied of it. For a company such as ours, it is perfectly suitable.

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James Curran (Ireland)

I already had some other painted tankers, but the bad quality of the paint convinced me to choose a galvanized tanker. In 1989, I went to the JOSKIN factory with the dealer at that time and I was seduced by the suction arm and the quality of the steel. There was no major difference in the price; so I took up my decision.

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Jens Breuer (Germany)

In order to reduce maintenance times to a minimum, I chose the central greasing system and thanks to the possible big wheels on X-Trem, the ground compaction is limited. The Solodisc slurry injector is characterized by its fully galvanized structure, its patented macerator, its constant ground pressure and its simplified management thanks to the Polymatic sequential block.

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Mikola Vasilchenko (Ukraine)

Our double-axle tanker is fitted with a free steering axle, which provides high manoeuvrability to it, as well as with a linkage on which a Terraflex2 arable injector of 4,4 m can be placed. In this way, slurry can be directly injected in the ground. In short, the machine has an excellent quality/price ratio.

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