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All the news of the JOSKIN company

NewsCustomer testimonialsA network of experts

Biological Economy (Russia)

Since our cows are not towed, a herd produces daily some tens of tons of slurry. We therefore invested in a Joskin KOMFORT2 18000TS tanker injecting at 15-20 cm deep.

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Mark Garrick (Great Britain)

When we have got the first contacts with the Joskin company, we directly knew that it was a real business opportunity in our area.

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Vladimir Master, head zoological technician at PAP 'Arkadia' (Ukraine)

This tanker suits all uses, including for the farms that do not use the strip-till technique, just like us. These machines can easily transport the slurry and spread it on the fields.

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New covering system for JOSKIN silage trailer: Duo-Cover system

JOSKIN offers a new covering system, the Duo-Cover, which is available on all Silo-Space silage trailers and Drakkar multi-purpose trailers.

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X-trem Green Proposed on Tipping Trailers

The JOSKIN company offers now the possibility to choose between the yellow and X-trem green colours when buying a tipping trailer.

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