Belgian and Dutch Expert Day


NewsPress releases
Several Belgian and Dutch dealers came to take an Expert Day course on Wednesday 4th and Friday 6th March at the registered office of the JOSKIN company in Soumagne.

A constant evolution of the products and options implies a regular training in order to propose to customers the machines which suit them most. That is why the JOSKIN company attaches a great importance to the training of its dealers.

With a catalogue of more than 1200 options for the slurry tankers, these trainings allow to be up to date and to improve our knowledge. Jean-Philippe Saintenoy of the SCA Bernard Saintenoy and Son company (JOSKIN dealer in Rouveroy) confirms that: "It is always very interesting to take a training course in Soumagne in order to review the whole JOSKIN range but also to discover the new products and other technical developments. This day was also the occasion to analyze the new structure of the price list in order to be prepared in the best possible way to use it. Thanks to this training, we will be able to advise our customers more accurately and to propose them the solution that meets most their needs.