The JOSKIN team recently visited our Japanese importer Nakanishi Shoji

2023-04-11 07:45:14

NewsPress releases
During this trip, our team helped to fit a MultiTwist spreading boom on a Volumetra 20000D slurry tanker, and guided the Nakanishi Shoji team on the technical aspects of the hydraulic and electrical parts of these machines. The two teams then fitted the spreading boom on the linkage, solved the problems on the Isobus cables and installed the dorsal boom. Finally, the tanker and the spreading boom could be started up.

Our colleagues also visited two customers to give them some technical explanations. They were also able to update and modify the joystick function of their tanker.

A part of the Nakanishi Shoji team could also benefit from a technical training in order to be able to intervene on the machines that will be started up in the future.