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filling accessories

filling accessories

It is also possible to equip your "Aquatrans (XL)" water bowser with a volumetric (non-self-priming) centrifugal filling pump with a transfer capacity of 1,000 l/min, which is driven by the tractor P.T.O. at 540 rpm. The assembly includes the pump, 6 m of Ø 60 mm hose and a Walterscheid cardan shaft.

An upper manhole (Ø 450 mm) with quick opening is part of the standard equipment. It allows an easy filling and cleaning of the tank.

The constant level gauge allows you to see how full the water bowser is at all times. It is protected by a galvanised steel strip against external influences, such as contact with branches or deliberate rubbing by livestock.

JOSKIN water bowsers are fitted as standard with many pieces of equipment: a protected level gauge, a Ø 450 mm upper filling opening, a 2"1/2 ball valve and a baffle (from 3,600 l models). This not only prevents the water from sloshing around during transport, but also reinforces the tank. All of this equipment provides a greater ease of use and handling.