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The TELECOVER is a very comfortable cover solution. This system consists of a 25 cm extension (on the right > cover roll-up), a profile above this extension, a hydraulic motor, an industrial quality cover (690 g/m²) and an asymmetrical support (front and rear). The advantage of this concept is undoubtedly to empty the trailer without having to roll up the cover.

The DUO-COVER is a non-watertight net covering. It is made of 2 covering nets, which rest perfectly on the dome with pressure to ensure that silage or other products are transported without loss.

One of the most convenient cover solutions for the user is the hydraulic concertina folding system ("cabriolé" system). It consists of a support at the front of the body to limit the place taken by the cover in folded position, a hydraulic motor and a pulley and cable system. When in use, the cover can be unfolded and folded by moving horizontally on a guide rail, thus providing a perfect seal against bad weather.