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All the news of the JOSKIN company

NewsCustomer testimonialsA network of experts

Landwirtschaftskammer – Maschinenvorführung

Attracted by the necessity to make an optimal use of their manure by means of even more varied and elaborate spreading techniques, almost 800 persons came to attend the various demonstrations.

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Rottalschau 2015

With more than 500 exhibitors mainly from Germany, but also from the neighbouring countries, on 6.5 ha exhibition area, the Rottalschau became a not-to-be-missed event for Southern farmers.

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Livestock Farmers Visiting JOSKIN

On 10th September, the JOSKIN company welcomed in Soumagne (Belgium) a group of Irish and Belgian livestock farmers, accompanied by Dr. Collard (chairman of the Walloon Breeding Association) and John Mc Namara (chairman of TEAGASC, Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority).

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Salon aux Champs

The JOSKIN products, and especially the Section-PILOT (GPS section control) on the Pendislide, attracted the attention of professionals from the spreading sector.

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JOSKIN, specialized in the transportation of agricultural products, exhibited on that occasion a Trans-SPACE monocoque tipping trailer and the DRAKKAR multi-purpose trailer. Visitors were particularly interested by that last machine.

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