High-Tech Equipment (Ukraine)


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The person in charge of the agricultural department of the company OOO "Barkom", Galina Dzyabyak, talks about the advantages of the Joskin slurry spreader her company bought.

Journalist: Lydmila Omelchenko

ООО "Barkom" is a company that wants to be the first in all areas: livestock breeding and production of pork meat, but also in the optimal use of organic waste from cattle breeding. Today, we will talk about the Joskin slurry spreader the company OOO "Barkom" bought.

Mrs Galina, tell us when and why your company bought a Joskin slurry spreader?

- Our company decided to buy the machine from the Belgian manufacturer Joskin in October 2014. The reason of this purchase is the quantity of slurry that had to be spread on all our fields, while respecting the dose rate, in order to fertilize them.

- Have you discovered the strong and weak points of this equipment during its first year of use?

- Of course! One of the advantages of the Joskin tanker is that it is possible to adjust the flow of the spread slurry. Furthermore, it can pump autonomously.

The tank is laid on a Cargo chassis, which makes it different from the machines from other manufacturers who fasten the running gear on the tank itself, which is cheaper but makes the machine less stable. Moreover, our tanker is fully galvanized. Once again, some manufacturers are trying to spare on the galvanization. However, it is better not to do so because the steel and therefore the tank will rapidly get damaged since the slurry is a corrosive product.

The two self steering axles make the machine easy to manoeuvre. The hydraulic suspension reduces the traction force and allows to cross obstacles. The hydraulic circuit is easy to use thanks to its very functional control box.

The tanker is fitted with a linkage to hitch a line spreading boom to spread slurry close from the soil surface. In short: the quality of the machine clearly justifies its price.

The tanker works with the tractor. In one single day, it makes 10-12 journeys, which corresponds to 300 m³.

Thanks to spreading, the plants get a major part of the fertilizers they need: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, as well as organic substances. As a result, we fertilize our grounds and at the same time, we improve the soil structure by applying organic fertilizers.

- Are you satisfied of your collaboration with the Joskin company?

- Of course we are very satisfied. The machine is comfortable, large and easy to control. Under the advantages, we may also cite a hydraulic aligning ram.

We are very pleased with the fact that the Joskin company makes all it can to offer solutions meeting its customers' needs. It provides an efficient and structured support to its distribution network, which is close from its end customers. The dealers always remain at the customer's disposal to provide technical advice, carry out the first start-up, etc.

- I would like to ask you if the price of the machine is worth it?

Yes. The Joskin spreader has an excellent quality/price ratio.

- What would you recommend to all those who are planning to invest in such a machine?

- Generally speaking, I can say that it is a very good product and that it is essential to work in farms producing slurry. It indeed allows to adjust the application rate. Today, the Joskin machines are the best and most cost-effective of the local market. A cattle breeder who wants to succeed in his sector won't find anything better.